Why I Shoot Boudoir Photography

It’s hard to put into words how much more fulfilling boudoir photography is than anything else i’ve done. Yes, the photos are beautiful and my style seems unique enough to stand out, but to me boudoir is about so much more than just the photos. Boudoir is about art, body positivity and self acceptance. It’s getting glammed up by a team of professionals, feeling like a model for a day without all the seriousness that comes along with that world. We laugh, we joke, we make you feel like a million bucks while you feel comfortable and at home.

Mystery Boudoir Chains

I love seeing the transformation that everyone goes through. From meeting you at the pre consultation for the first time, reuniting the day of the shoot, sitting in the makeup chair, getting pampered, to your time to shine behind the camera, all the way to walking out the studio like you own the place. It’s about feeling beautiful and heard and it is something that I believe that every person deserves to experience at least once in their life time.

Mystery Boudoir Lacey Bodysuit

I believe that I can show everyone that walks through my doors the beauty that I see through my camera. I see the beauty in everyone and know the perfect light and angle to make them see themselves through a lens they’ve never experienced before. Women tell me all the time that they don’t believe they can look that beautiful, always comparing themselves to what they see on instagram. They say they feel too fall, have stretch marks, cellulite, weigh too much, don’t like this or that body type….everyone has their own security and the grass is always greener on the other side. I love the moment where I show them the back of the camera and they exclaim ‘thats not me!” It’s hard to believe that you can feel beautiful just the way you are when society is constantly telling you that you are not worthy.

Shooting every day women changed my life and career path ( i was supposed to be an engineer! ) I had shot models, and been in magazines but it always felt empty. Models were unappreciative and there was very little reward that came from that life. When I focused my talents on every day ladies from next door, that’s when the magic truly happened. I made them feel like a model for a day and that did wonders for their self esteem and changed their perception of themselves which bubbled over to their lives.

The mirror is sometimes our worst enemy because it shows us a version of ourselves that is not reality. Have you ever seen pics of yourself and thought it looked odd? My job is to do what the mirror can’t, show the reality of how good you look from a different angle. The angle your lover might see you in when they wake up and see the light shining off you from the window so angelically. The dark and moody lighting that just barely touches you, creating beautiful silhouettes out of your curves and lines. Instead of shaming you for your imperfections, I’ll make them sparkle and hope that you will appreciate them instead.

Mystery Boudoir Close up Detail Bra Shot

Transformative Experience

Every woman that comes in is always nervous to a degree. Once the hair and makeup are applied, the transformation begins. This new mask is the start of getting out of your comfort zone and being more daring. When the shoot starts, I pose them until perfection is achieved. Then I show the back of the camera, no editing required, when I get that ‘OMG, is that me?’ the transformation is complete. Once we get to that point, I know the rest will be easy. That new confidence with that new mask is just what we needed. We laugh, they might even cry, and it finally clicks then the magic happens. Rest of the shoot is a breeze and we are having way too much fun. It’s a little bit of a work out too. We become friends by the end of it and will remember this experience forever. When they leave they tell all their friends about their amazing experience and I get to make more friends. What a life! I am so grateful that so many people get to share this journey with me and I happen to be the one that helps them get there. This journey is as transformative to me as it is to them and that is why I do it.

Mystery Boudoir

London Ontario

no longer at 211 King St.

Eman Beny